Thursday, December 25, 2008

समझो नाम हो गया

मुझे नब्ज़ टटोलने की, यूँ ही आदत नही है
थामा भी जिसका हाथ, उसे आराम हो गया .

मेज के ऊपर किसी ने, क्या कभी काम किए हैं?
मेज के नीचे जो लिया दाम, उसका काम हो गया.

मृत्यु और विवाह पर, लोग बहुत हैं आते
मजमा लगे सुबह शाम, समझो नाम हो गया.

हालात बदलने में, कुछ ख़ास कर नही पाया
मुझ जैसा खास व्यक्ति, कैसे यूँ आम हो गया?

सौ कौवों के सरदार, एक कौवे ने कह दिया
हुए ही नही राम, राम राम हो गया.

ऐसी खौलती बातें, आशी तौल के लिखना
अखबार न लिखें, कि काम तमाम हो गया


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Friday, December 19, 2008

अब्दुल रहमान अंतुले

एक सोची समझी साजिश के चलते अब्दुल रहमान अंतुले ने स्व. करकरे की वीरगति को अपमानित कर पुनः हिन्दुओं पर अपमानजनक आतंकी टिपण्णी करी है.
इसको यह न समझा जाए की इस आदमी ने ये बात आवेश मैं आ कर या अनजाने मैं कही हो. अब्दुल रहमान अंतुले, जो कांग्रेस मैं बीसियों साल से रोटी सेंक रहा है, भूलवश ऐसी भद्दी टिपण्णी नही कर सकता. ऐसा उसने अपनी आका के इशारे पर किया है. अब कारवाही के नाम पर आचार संहिता लागू होने मैं जब ३ माह बचे हैं, तब इस आदमी को निलंबित भी कर दिया जाए तो क्या फर्क पड़ता है !
फर्क पड़ना चाहिए आपको & हमको. जो यह आसानी से भुला बैठते हैं की इस राजनेतिक दल ने निरंतर हिन्दुओं को अपमानित करने का काम किया है.
१- श्री राम जन्म भूमि पर ४०० वर्षों से लगातार हिंदू विरोधी काम करना,
२- श्री राम सेतु मुद्दे पर भगवन राम के अस्तित्व पर हलफनामा देना,
३- हलफनामे को वापस लेना & यह कहना की सेतु श्री राम ने स्वयम ही तोड़ दिया था,
४- बाबा अमरनाथ समिति को जमीन दे कर वापस लेना,
५- ओडिसा मैं स्वामी लक्ष्मणानंद जी के हत्यारों को संरक्षण & पुनः हिन्दुओं पर ही आरोप लगना,
६- साध्वी प्रज्ञा & अभिनव भारत को मलेगओं बोम्ब काण्ड मैं झूठा फ़साना & ऐ. टी. एस द्वारा रोज किसी भद्दी अप्रमाणित ख़बर को मीडिया द्वारा प्रसारित करना,
७- हिंदू आतंकवाद जैसा घटिया शब्द का आविष्कार करना
& अब स्व. करकरे की हत्या का आरोप लगना.

न्याय करने कलि अवतार जब आयेंगे तब आयेंगे.
नर्क में ये कपटी जो सजा पायेंगे सो पायेंगे.
अभी इनका निर्णय & निश्चय आपको करना है.
पुनः, गोल्डफिश की भाँती "आगे पाठ - पीछे सपाट" न हो, इनके कुकर्मो को याद रखें & सजा दें.
घर बैठे गुस्सा होने से कुछ नही होने वाला.
क्रोध ऐसा हो जो असर दिखाए.
जय श्री राम
प्रियंक ठाकुर

Friday, November 28, 2008

where are you Raj bhaiya ??

Please forward this to Raj Thakrey..
He is missing.. No one knows where he is>>
we need him.
We want him to go & save amchi Mumbai alongwith his MNS Goondas.
The sons of the soil- Army, NSG, MARCOS are not Marathi manoos.
Why should they fight or lay their lives for Mumbaikars?

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Too soft on terror : sonia & co. a curse

Not much to say - just some words of condolence to those who died in Mumbai.

But ask those around you that : -

1) Was malegaon case this important that full ATS was involved in it forgetting real terror attacks?

2) Was removing pota & wooing Muslim voters was more important than lives of Crores of Bharatiya?

3) Harassment & allegations against defense forces was planned?

4) Can a weak home minister & unfit prime minister fight terrorism?

Do congress & UPA now know what terrorism is & release Sadhwi ji & Col. Purohit?

& final question

5) any clarifications dear shivraj patil or are you still in ur dressing room?

Brothers- Sisters, stop relying on these bunch of idiots & come outside your houses. Join active politics, clean the dirt out.
Show your anger, don't just watch T.V and argue within.
Don't wait for your near ones to be killed.
Act now..
Join me
contact :

Jai Shri Ram
Priyank Thakur

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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

साध्वी का सच

कांग्रेस के सिमी प्रेम का परिणाम है मालेगाँव कांड
बजरंग दल को आतंकी घोषित न कर पाने का मलाल है मालेगांव कांड
आर एस एस के प्रखंड राष्ट्र प्रेम के बढ़ते प्रभाव का भय है मालेगांव बम कांड

आज तक कभी किसी आतंकवादी के पीछे पूरा तंत्र नही पड़ा
आजतक कभी किसी आतंकवादी का ४-४ बार नार्को टेस्ट नही हुआ
ये बौखलाहट है सोनिया तंत्र के हार की, ये खीज है उनके ग़लत पड़े दांव की

पर आह, यह परिणाम है सोये हुए असहाय जीर्ण हिंदू समाज का
मजाल है की विश्व में कोई हिंदू पेंटर हुसैन जैसे किसी मुस्लिम भगवन की नग्न तस्वीर बनाये
मजाल है की विश्व में कोई ईसाई धर्म के ऊपर आतंकवादी जैसा शब्द जोड़े
मजाल है की भारत में हज के लिए दी जाने वाला दान बंद किया जाए

पर, भारत में हिन्दुओं के अराध्य भगवन श्री राम के अस्तित्व पे हमारी ही सरकार हलफनामा देती है
भारत में बाबा अमरनाथ को दान में दी गयी भूमि वापस ले ली जाती है
भारत में श्री राम जन्मभूमि पर बने मन्दिर को तोड़ कर बाबर मज्जिद बनता है और स्वतंत्र भारत में उसपर पुनः मन्दिर बनाना स्वतंत्रतता पाने से भी कठिन जान पड़ता है

तभी तो हमारे आदर्शों ने कहा है - यदि हिंदू अभी नही जागा, तो दोबारा अवसर तक नही मिलेगा
वंदे मातरम
जय श्री राम

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

शुभ दीपावली

मैं स्वर्ग हो के आया, उपहार हजार लाया
हर घर मैं सुख समृद्धि, सपने हजार लाया
विश्व विजयी भारत पुनः अखंड होगा
राम राज्य होगा, धर्म प्रचंड होगा
न कोसी कहर ढाए, न आतंक सर उठाये
खुशहाली बढती जाए, फ़िर ऐसा सफर होगा
सपनो की ऐसी दुनिया, अपनों के बीच होगी
दीपावली मैं कामना है, ऐसा अवश्य होगा

सभी भारतवासियों को प्रियंक ठाकुर का सादर शुभ दीपावली .
भगवन राम के आशीर्वाद से आपका जीवन विजय और वीरता से भरा हो.
भगवान् आपके जीवन को देश - समाज - धर्म के हित मैं कार्य करने हेतु सक्षम बनाये रखे.
जय श्री राम

Saturday, October 18, 2008

उद्देश्य और भटकाव

समाज सेवा समिति, की स्थापना का उद्देश्य समाज मैं जागरूकता लाना है. पर, परिस्थितियां इसके लक्ष्य से भटकाव ला देती हैं. यह एक मानव कमजोरी है, पर हमारा यह पुरजोर प्रयास रहेगा की अब यह कमजोरी समिति के लक्ष्य को इस से दूर न ले जाए और यह मानव कमजोरी समिति या समूह को प्रभावित न करे.
मुख्यतः भावनात्मक मुद्दे, जैसे की धर्म, राजनीति, राष्ट्रप्रेम हमको हमारे लक्ष्य और संस्कृति से भटका देते हैं, विचिलित
कर देते हैं. यह आवेश वश किए गए कार्य आपका मूल संस्कार नही होते हुए भी आपकी पहचान बन जाता है. इस लिए हमारे शास्त्रों मैं कहा गया है की भगवन को वह मनुष्य प्रिय होता है जो न प्रसन्नता मैं भटके न दुःख मैं विचलित हो.
हमारा उद्देश्य हिंदुत्व का प्रसार है, हिंदुत्व भारत की जान है. हिंदुत्व मैं भारत की संस्कृति है. जो भी व्यक्ति, चाहे वह मुस्लिम हो या ईसाई, यदि वह भारतीय संस्कारों का पालन करता है तो वह हिंदुत्व का पालन करता है. यदि कोई हिंदू भी राष्ट्र विरोधी मानसिकता का हो, या स्त्री का सम्मान न करे, या आचरण मैं मानवता न हो तो वह भी हिंदुत्व का शत्रु है.
यह समाज एक मनुष्य से दूसरे मनुष्य की कड़ी है, यदि समाज मैं सद्भाव और शक्ति न हो तो यह समाज दूषित हो जाता है. इस कड़ी का काम संवाद करता है. तो अंततः संवाद सबसे जरूरी है. संवाद मैं कमी आने पर बिचौलिये फायदा उठाते हैं. ये बिचौलिये कभी अफसर बन कर, कभी राजनेता बन कर, कभी साधू-गुरु बन कर समाज मैं विष घोलते हैं.
भारत की धरती ने सदैव वीरों को जन्मा है. कमी है तो स्वयं को पहचानने की.
यही हमारा उद्देश्य है
आत्म विश्लेषण
वंदे मातरम

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Dussehra ki Shubhkamnaen

Bhakti, Shakti & Gyan bhi jita na saki Ravan ko,
Dharm ke panthi Ram ne hara diya Dashanan ko.



Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Bajrang Dal

Banning Bajrang Dal

People have guts to compare Bajrang Dal with simi

What else can we expect from sonia antonio maino khan ghandi

those who think i have typed GHANDI instead of GANDHI, please search in google or in any search engine.
those who question Bajrang Dal, should look at what has happened in north-east & south India.. majority are Christians.

what is this ?
Hindus are the biggest enemies of Hindus..
Above all, rightly said by someone.. Once a person is converted to Christianity, we not only loose one Hindu, but we have an enemy within us.
That person's loyalty shifts to vatican & america.

This war is not with Christian missionaries or anti Hindu congress party - founded by albert hyum ( a britishor )
This war is with Hindus who are enemies of Hindus..
Who supports questioning existance of RAM
Who supports snatching land from Baba Amarnath shrine board
Who supports building of Shri Ram Temple at Ayodhya
Who supports terrorists like simi & muftee's party in J & K
Who supports divide & rule among Hindus

aah. may this pain remains till i am alive..
May this pain be felt to all Hindus, if they are alive.

Vande Mataram Jai Shri Ram

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Monday, September 29, 2008

Life is a Level to Clear

For all the people of this world, life remains a mystery. In fact, a majority of people doesn’t even bother to think on this subject. Those who think are either scientists or saints. Scientists believe in experiments, on experiences & no way any scientist is going to get any conclusive answer of this quest. Where as saints, who are Yogis & divine soul are not going to waste their time in subjects like what is life or why life exists! The one who know the answer stops then & there and starts working towards the task rather than question the task itself. Before I move on, I want to ask our scientists that why don’t they look up to our ancient scrip like Veda, Geeta, Ramayan, Mahabharat, etc. where every word is based on scientific facts & figures. As modern science is progressing, it is discovering that all the knowledge & information is already there in ancient Indian Literature. Be it the mathematical value of “Pi”, Distance from Sun & Moon, Astronomy, etc. Their efforts will be much more beneficial if they study & understand our literature first & then proceed with experiments. Now, our mind battles with its own reasons of life – death and it goes on. But again by doing so, aren’t we questioning our creator? Instead we should have full faith in our creator, should work for the cause we are created for. For those who have studied Geeta, they know that after being born in all forms of life, finally our soul gets human body. Once human body is achieved we continue to reborn as humans till we achieve “Moksha” (freedom). But do we know that what has to be done to achieve freedom from rebirths? No. Swami Vivekanand has said that Nature or God balances the world on their own. We feel happiness or sorrow if our any work is done or not done. But the end result of any work is not in our hand. But it does not stop us & should not stop us from doing our best at whatever we do. Our Mind & body should be aware about our deeds, about our present. If you are doing any good job but you yourself is not convinced about its reason & effect, than it is not going to benefit your “karma” from that work, how ever good the cause might be. On the contrary, if at all you are doing some wrong job, but you are convinced about it with reasons to do it, then your “karma” will gain from it. Like in Mahabharat, after Yudhishthir dies & see all his four brothers & wife in hell but finds Karna, his stepbrother in heaven. Because Karna have fought against good people and supported bad ones, still he himself was on the right side as far as he was concerned, and he knew it. One more small story goes like this: - One very learned sage was meditating in his ashram when God himself appeared in front of him. The sage asked God, when will I achieve Moksha? God said – in your second life from now, you will have Moksha. Hearing this the sage got angry & disheartened, he left the ashram & left. Where as his student then asked God about his attaining Moksha, God said – In your fiftieth birth from this one. Hearing this the student got very happy & started dancing. He attained Moksha then & there. We should take life as a level, as a standard. A different and difficult level each time we take birth. As if we are a school going student. Does a student collects books, copies, pencils all the year or studies hard & learn his subjects to pass the exam and reach higher standard? Then why a person spends all his life running behind material things of this world! Wouldn’t it be better if we concentrate on our purpose of our birth of our life, So that we can pass our exams to reach higher levels of life? Wouldn’t it be better if we are aware about what we think, speak or do? To listen more then speak? To give more time to learn then to teach? To give, rather than ask! To appreciate what we have got rather complaint for what we don’t have. God wants us to learn these simple principles of life. Fight for truth & help the needy. Clear each exam of life and finally pass out with flying colors. Vande Mataram

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Embarrassing revelations on the deal

Click the following to access the sent link:

Dear All,

This letter reveals why we were against this nuclear deal in its present form. Also all would agree that america was eager & desperate to implement this deal fast, would they do any thing in this world which is not in their favour ? Or would they do any thing ever if it benefits any other country ?

Imagine what would happen that after spending 10 billion dollars if we don't get the kind of technology we expected ? What would happen if our fuel supply is stopped ? What would happen if we were to get close to any other country politically ? In other words India is a american colony now, if not politically then economically..

the fight is on

If you have to stand in queue for the whole day, please cast your vote & don't ever elect such esteem less fools

Jai Hind
Priyank Thakur

Sunday, August 24, 2008

सारे जहाँ से अच्छा भारत देश हमारा

जहाँ हर कहीं घर टूट रहे हों, परिवार का अर्थ समाप्त हो रहा हो. तब, भारत मैं जन्म लेने का सौभाग्य समझ आता है.
जब संसार में भूख से जान जा रही हो, लोग अन्न के एक-एक दाने को मोहताज हों, तब एक कृिष प्रधान देश होने का गौरव ध्यान आता है.
जब पानी के िलये राज्य और देश लड़ रहे हों, पानी तेल की कीमत में िमल रहा हो, तब माँ गंगा, नर्मदा, यमुना की कृपा समझ आती है.
जब पािकस्तान, इराक, इरान, कोिरया, चीन, आिद के राजनेितक हालत देखते हैं तो हमे अपने नेता अपने लगने लगते हैं.
कुल िमला के, जब हम पूरी दुिनया देखते हैं, तो हमे पता चलता है िक . . .
सारे जहाँ से अच्छा भारत देश हमारा
यह आभास िजतने जल्दी हो उतना ज्यादा समय हम देश सेवा में अर्िपत कर सकते हैं.

Monday, August 11, 2008


1 - Blunder
Anju Bobby George was in her track suit & not in saaree, the traditional dress in Olympics for women since we are participating.

1 - Achievement

1st ever GOLD MEDAL by an Bharatiya individual - in 10 mtr air rifle shooting

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Thursday, July 24, 2008

Shree Ram Setu

दूध पीते ही - देखो डस िदया सांप ने, कहता है तोड़ िदया पुल ख़ुद राम ने;
उठा लो शस्त्र, अित कर दी पाप ने, बड़ा भीषण अंत है इनके अंजाम में..

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

No M.R.P for M.P >> Open Auction

This article has nothing to do with Indian Pride or Culture.. It is about our National Jokers of Note-Tantra (Not Lok-Tantra).
People like Mayavati.. are projected as Prime Minister of India ?? We have heard that after attaining its peak, downwards movement begins. But, here - after having the finest Prime Minister Shree Atal ji, we have seen dummy PM like Manmohan Singh & now Mayawati !!

This move was not blindly against Nuclear Deal, this was against the present format of this deal which has many flaws, not favourable for our motherland. And, Changes are not going to happen overnight, even for 5% increase in our Nuclear Energy, we will have to wait for another 5 years. By then, we could have researched our Thorium stock near Shree Ram Seth, which is in abundance & use it for our energy requirements. This would have saved thousands of Millions of our Country, But this would not generate COMMISSION for our NOTE_TANTRA> MRP MPs.

This move of no confidence was proposed by Left hearted communists just before the meetings of Nuclear deal to begin & when they knew that govt. will be safe as they had made all the arrangements for it. People like mamta bannerjee were ABSENT because they did not want to vote in favour for BJP nor CONGRESS nor COMMUNISTS.. till this age & experience she did not understand that this vote of no confidence was against the present format of NUCLEAR DEAL & NOT FOR OR AGAINST any political party ??

This way we have REASONS FOR SHAME for every political party & system.
This is indeed a national shame for people who voted for MPs who even betrayed their party (and no one does it for their inner-voice, all is done for their MRP -Maximum Retail Price)

once again
Shame Shame

Jai Hind
Jai Bharat
Jai HIndustan

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Beggar - free Jabalpur Project

Beggars are not just a nuisance to our society they are a shame on our society. Only around 2-5 % of beggars are into begging because of their inefficiency to work. Others are into begging because of their choice.

Small children of 1 month to grown up kids are used by beggar’s mafia or their parents & are taught every possible way to steal, beg & cheat. Eradicating begging is to secure future of these children, as they are our responsibility. Just by giving 1-2 rupee or 50 rupee once will not make their life.

Old people who should share their experience & knowledge with young generations are using their age to beg money from the society.

Drugs is very common now a days, especially in Jabalpur, within begging / rag pickers. They can be found near any dustbin or drain from evening to night, using all sorts of drugs & injections. They not only ruin their life, but their need of money makes them do all anti social activities like robbery, theft, kidnapping etc.

Police & Politics are not giving much attention to them because they neither give money nor votes. But beggary is a social disease & is a responsibility of both Police, Politicians & society as of whole.

Cure: No one puts a FIR with Police as no one wants to get involve with legal hassles. All are sympathetic with beggars about they should not be sent to jail. BUT what if a REHABILITATION CENTRE is set up for them with providing them work with training at that center only?

We need to talk to some NGOs running old age home & Orphanage to keep these beggars with them. Rotary club will provide training & help to provide work to them. We will talk to all the social clubs to do all their activities with these rehabilitated beggars.

We are involving all socially active people into this project to make our Jabalpur an ideal city in the world, 1st in India – A Beggar – free Jabalpur.

Priyank Thakur

Monday, June 9, 2008

सुभाष चन्द्र बोस / श्यामा प्रसाद मुख़र्जी / दीन दयाल उपाध्याय

इतने महान व्यक्तियों की मृत्यु की जांच क्यों नही हुई ? और नेताजी के केस मैं तो कई जांचें हुई पर report सार्वजनिक नही की गयी !! क्यों ??
अरे ! मैं तो भूल ही गया ि क अपना देश एक लोकतांत्रिक देश है..
अपने ऐशो आराम मैं डूबे वोट बैंकों ज़रा सोचो.. जब इन महात्माओं के साथ ये गुजर सकता है तो अगर आप पर कभी कुछ कष्ट आए तो क्या होगा ?
जय भारत
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Monday, May 5, 2008


We, Obliged Indians are remembering the Martyrs of 1857 War of freedom, on 10th of May, 2008, at : 57 PM.. by lighting a Deepak & paying a silent tribute for 2.30 minutes..

Now why NOW in 2008 ?
Because this is the 1857 (war of Independence) 150th Anniversary..

Why on 10th of May ?
Because on this day, the Army of Meerut faught & won the city from british.. 1st united war in the country. Mangal Pandey revolted in March, But the decided day of revolt was 31st of May, This incident happened much before, yet, was the 1st united war of freedom.

Why at 06 : 57 PM ?
Because 06:57 PM is 18:57 in 24 Hr system.. Celebrating together all over Hindusthan is a tribute to the togetherness of our freedom fighters.

Why paying silent tribute for 2.30 minutes ?
2.30 minutes = 150 seconds = for 150th year..

So, Celebrate this day as planned by lighting up a DEEPAK ( DIYA ) outside your home or at the local square & paying silent tribute for 150 seconds. Spread this message & contribute this little tribute to the Martyres, because of whom we are proud to be Indians.

Jai Hind

Monday, April 21, 2008

1857 1st war for free Hindusthan... this 10th May - a Tribute to those freedom fighters

In the FIRST WAR FOR FREE HINDUSTHAN __ __ the real Heroes, those many of us don't even know, were the cause of uniting today's India..

Until then, many Kingdoms / Revolutionary groups used to fight british on their own.. but as we learn more about the 1857 war.. the more our respect for that war grows. They were fighting for Hindu Dharma.. For Hindusthan.

Hindusthanis accepted mugal emperor as their leader in this war, such was the spirit for this war, such was the hatred against britishers.. In every revolutionary kingdom, when they get defeated british army used to murder lakhs of Innocent people for three days ( this evil deed was known as VIJAN, by britishers ).. much much is there to study & write, but first of all, let us spread this message of remembering all our patriot heroes on 10th of May at 18:57 ( 6.57 PM ) by lighting DIYAS on our ( Squares - Chouharas ) all over India, at ONE time,, together & united again to salute their UNITY then... when it was needed most
wait for more updates before 10th May

Jai Hind

NOTE - a wonderfull VIDEO on 1857 on YOUTUBE... a must watch for all

Friday, April 11, 2008


china - The sleeping giant woke in early nineties and started the horror that continues till date.
Due to its military & economic might.. no one dares question or argue china-china argues and dares with anyone it wants..

what worries us is -
mr. communist karat & party in IndiA speaks that Tibet & Kashmir are like.
They even compare Nagaland - Manipur with Tibet
mr. amir khan once again opens his mouth to speak.. on the lines of mr china ..oops sorry mr. karat, he too thinks that Tibet & Kashmir & North East militants are alike. - dear, when you dont know any particular issue, plz keep mum.
on top of everything, our own mitti ka sher - defence minister - mr. china mukherjee assures mr. china that Olympic torch will be safe in IndiA & no anti china activities will be tolerated. ( don't you think mr. mukherjee that IndiA has tolerated chamchas like you enough ?)

china has captured Tibet for more than 60 years & we think that the world is a safer place now..

unlike america, which finds an excuse to attack and exploit, china needs no excuse.. all maoist terrorist who once ruled china are spread in IndiA and our mr. communists are allways with them.. be it the issue in Nepal or IndiA. Either they openly support china or they keep mum .... IndiA's biggest crisis is that we its children keep MUM.


But we have defeated almost all of the contemporary kingdoms all over..


Back 2 the topic -

Now.. mr. china himself speaks, HH Dalai Lama is spreading terrorist activities ( of all the people)..
Mistake rectified - Respected George Fernandes admitted that accepting Tibet as a part of china by NDA govt was a mistake.. But remember it was Mr Fernandes himself who dared speak that china is IndiA's number one enemy. How can one forget Indo china war, when our past PM mr. nehru was happily saying Hindi chini bhai bhai at the same time those traitors attacked our motherland.
what else is there to say..
support Tibet, one of the most Holy place with most tolerant & non violent people by boycotting Olympic games this time. I know this is unfair to the players & games.. But does games are more important than freedom and self respect of a country ??
Think my dear citizens of independent IndiA.. think, & decide
Jai Hind

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Wednesday, March 5, 2008

राष्ट्र द्रोह का मुक़दमा चलाओ

बड़े शर्म की बात है कि हिंदू हित की बात करने वाले , वोट की राजनीति मैं देश को बांटने वाले काम कर रहे हैं.
बड़े शर्म की बात है कि दो दिन अखबार की सुर्खियाँ बनने के लिए भाई को भाई से लड़ने का पाप कर रहे हैं.
और सबसे शर्म की बात तो ये है की बाकि सब राजनेतिक दल खामोश हैं कि कहीं मराठी वोट या बिहारी वोट उनसे नाराज़ न हो जाएँ.
पाप करने वाला तो पापी होता है पर पाप देख कर चुप रहने वाला ज्यादा बड़ा पापी होता है. पापी को तो नरक मैं सजा मिलेगी पर पाप देखने वाले को उसकी सजा ख़ुद निर्धारित करनी होगी.
एक बार कोई देशभक्त प्रधानमंत्री बन जाए, बस एक बार.. फ़िर इन सब पिट्ठुओं को सरे आम कोड़े लगाये जाएँ..
एक बार फ़िर राज्य कि सीमाएं निर्धारित हों और सीधी लकीर खींच कर अमेरिका जैसे २०-२५ राज्य- बराबर क्षेत्र के बना दिए जाएँ.. इस से ये क्षेत्र वाद के दम पे राजनीति करने वाले कटोरा ले कर सड़क पे आ जाएँ.
मुझे आज अपने एक समय शिव सेना विचारधारा का समर्थक होने पर अफ़सोस हो रहा है..

भारत एक था - एक है - एक रहेगा..
आ जाओ अंग्रेज और अंग्रेजियत कि कितनी भी संतानों, बांटने कि कोशिश करोगे तो ख़ुद बंट जाओगे..
अगर मेरे अलावा इन देश द्रोहियों के बयानों पर और किसी का खून खौला हो तो इस लेख को हजारों तक पहुँचायें.. कुछ तो करो जिस से पता चले कि सब गूंगे नही हैं !!
एक बार फ़िर
जय हिंद
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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Pride of India - even till 19th century



Monday, February 18, 2008

Safron & Islamic Brigade - Punish the Beasts not the innocent

It is a humble request to all the powerful people of India to make this world safer for WOMEN.
Don't hesitate to punish any person who commited sexual assault on any women..
Don't hesitate to help any women.
Don't use foul language in the presence of any women near by.
Don't do any such thing that you don't want to happen with your own Mother or Sister.
Do This for me
I will devote all my life for making this world a better place for your generations to live in.

Friday, February 8, 2008


Shame on this goverment !!!
Bhagat singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev have been referred as terrorists in an ICSE 6th standard class in social science subject text book at page number 64 & 65 in Mumbai....
Get up friends... pass this message like fire....
Protest against this..If You Love UR INDIA...
Instead of forwarding stupid messages please forward this message to every1

Saturday, February 2, 2008